How tracking patient outcomes data can be a driver of growth

Posted on 10 Aug 2023
The greatest growth lever for your practice lies in patient data

In an evolving reimbursement landscape where revenue is being increasingly tied to patient outcomes it is mission-critical to track and maintain outcomes data. It provides orthotics and prosthetics businesses the leverage they need to gain better performing payer contracts.

Monitoring patient outcomes data has benefits that go beyond better care. It has a strong positive impact across various key areas.

6 ways a patient outcomes tracking software can solve patient
experience challenges
  • Reimbursement regulations have become more stringent and to maximize collections it is essential to maintain medical justification for products and services rendered. This results in a lower denial rate and appropriate reimbursement.
  • Outcomes data can be provided to referral sources to gain more referrals and create a sustainable referral network.
  • It solves the key issue of providing personalized patient care. In the O&P space there is a lot of room for miscommunication and dissatisfaction with products. By tracking outcomes, practices can monitor the progress of patients and personalize services accordingly.
  • It expedites patient’s prosthetic knowledge and understand how a device works and its impact on mobility. It shows the progress of patients and is a source of objective medical documentation.
  • It enables providers to identify clinical pathways that work the best for patients based on progression/digression of the patients’ mobility.
  • It places a slant on the patient narrative and in today’s healthcare landscape it is the only narrative that matters.
  • Tracking patient outcomes is proven to improve the quality of care of patients and achieve patient-articulated goals.
  • It increases the trust and confidence patients have on providers and vastly improves patient satisfaction.
  • Outcomes data can be used to define benchmarks and better overall organizational standards.
  • It can help orthotics and prosthetics practices to arrive at best practices and ensure great patient outcomes for
    all patients.
The Wrap

Fast-growth orthotics and prosthetics businesses require a partner who evolves with their demands with speed and clarity. At SolvEdge, we’ve kept pace with the growing demands of O&P businesses and help them take the next steps with tailored solutions and a fresh approach to the patient experience.

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